How to purchase Niimfer World NFTs From Pre Sale2(如何開始購買寧芙NFTs)

Niimfer World
3 min readJan 12, 2022



If you are the Whitelist winner of Niimfer World Pre-sale II, please read the following instruction before making any purchase.

NOTICE! You need to be a Whitelist Winner to purchase Niimfer World NFTs, to check if you are in the list, please CLICK HERE and use your BSC Wallet address to search & confirm.

If you are a Whitelist 2&3 winner(Compensation Purchase) CLICK HERE

👉 Niimfer World Pre-Sale 2
> What’s the price? 0.1BNB/ Niimfer NFT
> Where to purchase?
> Am I a Whitelist Winner?
> Purchase time? 14 Jan, 2022(10:00 UTC)~16 Jan, 2022 (02:00 UTC)
> Max Number of NFT a single BSC wallet can hold? 20 Niimfer NFTs
> If I want to change my BSC Wallet? Please fill in THIS FORM Before 14 Jan 04:00 UTC

👉 When & Where can I claim bonus Niimfer NFTs if I have won the UNLOCK BONUS or reached the PURCHASE BONUS
> When to Claim NFT? 24 Jan, 2022(10:00UTC)~26 Jan, 2022(10:00UTC)
> Where to Claim NFT?
> How to Claim NFT? Enter Niimfer World airdrop page (as above) and connect your wallet, then you will be able to see an Airdrop option, then follow the claim instruction on the website
> When to Claim NIMF Token? The NIMF Token IDO are expected to finish during Mid Feb 2022, so stay tuned for more informations on claiming remaining Tokens

❗ Important Notice❗

  1. A Single BSC Wallet can ONLY purchase a max of 20 Niimfer NFTs (Counting both Purchase & Airdrop)
  2. If you would like to change your BSC wallet, please carefully fill in THIS FORM Before 14 Jan 04:00 UTC
  3. You can use Blind Box function to purchase 5 ~15 Niimfer NFTs at once to avoid panic buying
  4. Please read the Pre sale2 Purchase Manual:
  5. To check if I am eligible for buying: please connect your BSC wallet to Niimfer World Marketplace(, then it will automatically show if you are eligible. (if you filled out the BSC wallet change form, you should receive an email for change complete)
  6. Average time for claiming a Niimfer NFT?
    A single Niimfer will take an average of about 5~8 secs to complete minting, but if someone is looking at the same Niimfer as you, well… it’s all about decisive speed…
  7. A few quick purchase tips
    Tip 1. Select “For sale” and look for available Niimfers
    Tip 2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the larger page number to find more Niimfers available
    Tip 3. You can always use the “Blind Box” option to purchase 5~15 at once, but remember, Blind Box is limited!
  8. If you had already sold your Niimfer in the second market, and you are using the same BSC wallet to make more purchases, PLEASE FILE A WALLET CHANGE REQUEST! to avoid accumulate error then loss gas fee, there will be no compensation mechanism if you do not file a BSC wallet change request in advance!
    ■BSC Wallet Change Request:
  9. During the Pre sale2 Raffle, we spotted 4 repeat BSC wallets, and 1 incomplete BSC wallet, so we drew out 5 additional Winners.
    ■Please check here to see the complete winner list:
  10. During the Pre sale2 Event, there are 14 winners who acquired their spots, via Niimfer World partner marketing events, if you are one of them, please PM Niimfer World Team
    ■Winner Checklist:

Please see our Niimfer World FAQs for more information

PreSale I & II Reward Model History

Thank you for your support!

Niimfer World Team

HI 各位支持Niimfer World 的朋朋們:

如果您是本次 Pre-Sale2白名單得主,請務必於1/14購買前詳讀以下內容

請注意:您需要是本次獲Pre-Sale2白名單得主,方能進入寧芙市集進行Niimfer NFT購買。(需確認資格請由此進,可使用您的BSC錢包進行查詢)


👉 如何開始購買Niimfer World NFT
> 購買價格:0.1BNB/ Niimfer NFT
> 購買地址:
> 資格查詢:
> 購買時間:14 Jan, 2022(18:00 台北時間)~16 Jan, 2022(10:00台北時間)
> 單一錢包地址最高購買上限:20隻
> 需更改中獎錢包地址:務必於14 Jan, 2022 12:00 台北時間)前填寫此表單

👉 如何開始領取 “解鎖獎勵”“累積購買加碼送”的NFT
> 何時可領取? 24 Jan,2022(18:00台北時間)~26 Jan,2022(18:00台北時間)
> 去哪領取? Niimfer World官方網站空投頁面:
> 如何領取? 進入上方頁面後連您的BSC錢包,即可在領取時間內依照指示領取您的獎勵
> NIMF幣可何時領取? 我們將預計於二月中旬進行NIMF幣的IDO,後續將會對外公布可領時間,敬請期待

❗ 重點事項說明❗

  1. 現單一錢包地址最高上限 20 隻NFT(包含購買 + 空投)
  2. 如需更改中獎錢包地址,請務必於14 Jan, 2022 12:00 台北時間)前填寫此表單,逾時不候,請見諒
  3. 本次提供盲盒選項,可鍵入5~15 隻,一次購買多隻,減少碰撞,保證購買,但屬限量還請盡早選購
  4. 玩家可自行連上官網確定是否符合購買資格, 若有填錢包變更表單官方將會發通知至信箱確認。
  5. Claim速度? 單隻購買Niimfer的平均大約8秒購買完成,如果加速的話大約是5秒 niimfer被買走的話, 立刻就會把他擋下來, 但是這8秒的時間, 如果有很多人同時買同一隻, 會碰撞這就要比速度了
  6. 購買Tips :
    方法1. 篩選 “For sale” 功能 , 找到還未售出的Niimfer
    方法2. 網頁下方能快速跳選取不同分頁的Niimfer 減少與他人碰撞
    方法3. 選購 “ Blind Box” , 可一次選購5–15隻 , 能保證快速購買 , 但盲盒數量有限請盡早選購 , 一旦售完官方將公告此消息
  7. 若玩家有將錢包內的Niimfer 於二級市場賣出 , 並且用相同錢包上來購買pre sale2 也請務必向我們提出更換錢包需求 , 避免數量同步錯誤造成gas fee 損失 , 官方不會再進行補償
    ■Pre sale 2 更換錢包表單 >
  8. Pre sale2 官方白名單得主有4位重複、1位地址提供有誤 , 故我們有多抽了5位 , 請查詢以下表單
  9. Pre sale2 官方白名單得主有 14 位也獲得其他合作單位的白名單名額 , 請以下錢包得主於活動結束前主動聯繫官方!
  10. 若購買期間有出現任何問題 , 請填寫以下表單
    ■Pre sale Wave2 Error report >

🔸白23玩家 別忘了 , 下週的 0.09(BNB)補買活動! 🔸




Niimfer World 團隊敬上

End of Doc



Niimfer World
Niimfer World

Written by Niimfer World

Niimfer World is a PlaytoEarn gaming project based on BSC, which is designed as a novel mini-Dota game.

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