(ENDED/已結束)“NFT Pre-Sale II”Starting NOW!!(“NFT預購 第二彈!”)正式開跑!
Enter HERE
🎉HAPPY NEW YEAR to all Niimfer Lovers!🎉
~Here comes the 2nd Pre-sale Whitelist Event!!!~
- 📌 WHEN: 31 DEC 2021(10:00 UTC) — 9 JAN 2022(10:00 UTC)
- 📌 WIN WHAT: Niimfer World NFT Pre-sale spots
- 📌 HOW MANY SLOTS: 700 Slots
- 📌RULES: First 400 slots received Highest point + 300 slots raffle (Announce on 10 JAN 2022 10:00UTC)
- 📌 HOW MANY NFTs In Total: 10,000 Pieces
- 📌 NIIMFER NFT PRICE: 1 Niimfer NFT = 0.1 BNB
- 📌 ALLOCATION: Max 20 NFTs/Wallet
“UNLOCK BONUS”~AND!! Exceed the ENTRIES and UNLOCK MORE PRIZES!~(Must obtain 85 points or above to be eligible!)
🔥 Over 50,000 Entries will unlock 🔥 2 Free Niimfer NFTs for 20 BSC wallets
🔥 Over 150,000 Entries will unlock🔥 100NIMF Tokens for 100 BSC wallets
🔥 Over 350,000 Entries will unlock🔥 PVE Beta first play for 20 BSC wallets
🔥 Over 700,000 Entries will unlock🔥 NIMF IDO Whitelist position for 20 BSC Wallets
“PURCHASE BONUS”~MORE! Buy up to a certain amount of NFTs and get BONUS!~(This reward is NOT a cumulative reward)
- 🎁 8~15 Niimfer NFTs, receive 1 Free Niimfer NFT🎁
- 🎁 16~19 Niimfer NFTs, receive 2 Free Niimfer NFT🎁
- 🎁 20 Niimfer NFTs, receive 3 Free Niimfer NFT + 600 NIMF Token🎁
Enter HERE
NOTICE: The following conditions will automatically be considered as “invalid entries”
- If the Mandatory information summited were incomplete.
- Provide none BSC wallet address or missing digits.
- Unreachable emails, incorrect format.
- BOT entries.
The official pre-sale is scheduled to begin on 14 JAN, 2022.
Any Questions Please talk to us!
Official Website HERE | Discord HERE | Telegram HERE | Facebook HERE |
新年快樂!Niimfer World NFT預購 第二彈 白名單開放登記中!由此進入
- 預購活動參加會有機會獲得什麼?Niimfer World NFT白名單資格
- 白名單活動什麼時候開始?即日起至 2022/1/9 18:00(台北時間)
- 有多少名額?共700個白名單資格
- 活動規則?前400名先取得活動最高分的玩家即會直接獲得,後面將有300名以隨機方式抽取(由此進入活動)(得獎名單將於2022/1/10 18:00(台北時間)公告)
- 總共有多少NFT可購買?共有10,000組
- 寧芙NFT 本次的價格是? 1個寧芙 NFT = 0.1BNB
- 購買的上限數量?最多單個BSC錢包可以買到20組寧芙NFT
~追加 “解鎖獎勵”!只要總參與數超過以下數字將逐步解鎖獎勵!(須完成85分或以上分數方能獲得下列解鎖抽獎資格)~
🔥達成50,000解鎖階段1獎勵🔥 20位獲得 Niimfer NFT*2!(達85分以上隨機抽取(可愛Niimfer盲盒獲得啊啊!)
🔥達成150,000解鎖階段2獎勵🔥 NIMF幣100顆大放送!(百位名單可獲得啊啊!)
🔥達成350,000解鎖階段3獎勵🔥 IDO白名單資格20名!(早期搶到價格超優惠啊啊!)
🔥達成700,000解鎖階段4獎勵🔥 PVE封測名單20名!(Niimfer World對戰搶先體驗啊啊!)
~ “累積購買加碼送” 超追加!單一BSC錢包購買滿足寧芙NFT指定數量即加碼送!~(請注意,此加碼送非累積加贈!)
- 🎁購買數量8~15隻:贈NFT*1
- 🎁購買數量16~19隻:贈NFT*2
- 🎁買好買滿20隻:贈NFT*3 + 600NIMF Token
NFT預購 第二彈! 由此進入
- 活動頁面中的”Mandatory”部分未填寫完成或資訊錯誤
- 使用非BSC錢包,請Key入正確錢包號碼缺碼或不正確
- Email不正確或無法寄送
- 機器人抽獎機制
如您有任何有關Niimfer World的疑問,敬請以下列方式與我們聯繫Niimfer World Website HERE | Discord HERE | Telegram HERE | Facebook HERE |
End of Doc