Niimfer World Whitelist 2&3 Compensation Purchase/Reward(白2、3 補買/補償機制)

Niimfer World
8 min readJan 11, 2022



NOTICE! You need to be a Whitelist 2&3 Winner to be eligible for this Compensation Purchase/Reward!! (That is, only for winners who were in the Whitelist 2&3 Purchase on 19 Dec, 2021 and couldn’t make the purchases at that time due to a system error)

👉 Whitelist2&3(Presale 1 Compensation Purchase)
>Where to Purchase? Niimfer World Airdrop page (
> Purchase Price? 0.09BNB / Niimfer NFT (only for Compensation Purchase)
> Purchase Time? 17 Jan, 2022(10:00UTC)~19 Jan, 2022(10:00UTC)
> Max Number Purchase? 12 Niimfer NFTs(Follows the Presale I Rule)
> Purchase rewards: Buy over 10 Niimfer NFTs, Receive 300 NIMF Token(Follows the Presale I Rule)
> If I want to change my BSC Wallet? ONLY Available to the BSC wallet provided during Whitelist 2&3, CAN NOT CHANGE BSC WALLET
Wallet address searching :
> How to Purchase? Go to Niimfer World Airdrop page and connect your BSC wallet(the one you entered during Whitelist 2&3) and the page will automatically shows if you are eligible or not, then you can start purchase.

👉 Whitelist2&3(Presale 1 Compensation Reward)
>If you purchase…
10 Niimfer NFTs during Compensation Purchase: 1 Niimfer NFT will be rewarded.
11~12 Niimfer NFTs during Compensation Purchase : 1 Niimfer NFT & 100 NIMF Token will be rewarded.
> Where to Claim NFT?
> Reward Searching:
> When to Claim NFT? 24 Jan, 2022(10:00UTC)~26 Jan, 2022(10:00UTC)
> When to Claim NIMF Token? The NIMF Token IDO are expected to finish during Mid Feb 2022, so stay tuned for more informations on claiming remaining Tokens

❗ Important Notice❗

  1. A Single BSC Wallet can ONLY purchase a max of 20 Niimfer NFTs (Counting both Purchase & Airdrop)
  2. You can use Blind Box function to purchase 5 or 15 Niimfer NFTs at once to avoid repeated or panic buying
  3. If you are both Whitelist 2&3 and Presale II Winner, we suggest you to use a New BSC wallet to make the Presale II purchase(0.1 BNB/Niimfer NFTs), please notice that you can ONLY use the wallet you entered during the Whitelist 2&3 to make the Compensation Purchase!
  4. The Max Number of Compensation Purchase for NFT will follow the Presale 1 Rule, only 12 Niimfer NFTs
  5. 🔥IMPORTANT🔥 Each Rewards model will only follows it’s particular rules according to NFT prices.

For example:

John has 3 NFTs from Airdrop (0BNB)+ 12 NFTs from Whitelist2&3(0.09BNB)+5 NFTs from Presale II(0.1BNB) the Rewards are:

🔹Whitelist2&3 Purchase = [300 NIMF(The original rewards)]+ [1NFT+100 NIMF(The compensation rewards)]
🔹Presale II = 0 rewards(only purchase 5 NFTs so no rewards)
🔹Airdrop = 0 rewards(do not apply)

Total of 400NIMF Tokens & 1 NFT

Please check out our Niimfer World FAQs for more information

PreSale I & II Reward Model History

Thank you for your support!

Niimfer World Team

HI 各位支持Niimfer World 的朋朋們:
本文主要針對於第一波預購時(白名單2及3)在購買期間的夥伴因系統的問題無法購買的狀況所提出的補買及補償機制,如您未有參與12/19, 2021 的預購,請忽略此篇說明文

>領取價格:0.09BNB/ Niimfer NFT(僅適用白名單2&3補買)
>補購時間:17 Jan, 2022(10:00 UTC)~19 Jan (02:00 UTC)
>購入獎勵:買超過10隻Niimfer NFTs,獲300 NIMF幣(同白名單2&3規則)
錢包查詢表 :
> 如何購買:於補購時間內前往上述購買地點,並使用您當時進入白名單2&3的BSC錢包,系統將自動判斷您的資格,即可開始購買

> 如依照該白名單2&3錢包地址購買..
購買10隻 Niimfer NFTs (0.09BNB/Niimfer NFTs) 即送1隻 Niimfer NFTs
購買11~12隻 Niimfer NFTs (0.09BNB/Niimfer NFTs) 即送1隻Niimfer NFTs + 100 NIMF Token
> 領取地址?
> 領取時間? 24 Jan, 2022(18:00台北時間)~26 Jan,2022(18:00台北時間)
> NIMF幣可何時領取? 我們將預計於二月中旬進行NIMF幣的IDO,後續將會對外公布可領時間,敬請期待

❗ 重點事項說明❗

  1. 現單一錢包地址最高上限 20 隻NFT(包含購買 + 空投)
  2. 本次提供盲盒選項,有「5隻」或「15 隻」的選項,可一次購買多隻,減少碰撞,保證購買,但屬限量還請盡早選購
  3. 假設玩家幸運在白名單2&3跟Presale II 都中獎 , 請提供新地址上去買 Presale II (0.1 BNB) , 白名單2&3的補買只能用原本舊錢包上去 , 恕不提供更換 !
  4. 白名單2&3的補買數量,維持當初的12隻上限,若超過系統將不允許購買
  5. (很重要🔥🔥🔥 )購買達標的判定 , 是依實際購買了幾隻”那個”價位的NFT , 不是依total總數量!
    如 : A同學的錢包內有 「3隻空投(0BNB) + 12隻WL2(0.09BNB) + 5隻pre sale(0.1BNB)」
    🚀 獎勵就只有 : WL2= 300 token+ 1NFT + 100 token
    ⚠️ 而不是 又領WL2獎勵 又領pre sale II 獎勵 , 因為他 0.1BNB只買了5隻不達任何獎勵標準 !




Niimfer World 團隊敬上

End of Doc



Niimfer World
Niimfer World

Written by Niimfer World

Niimfer World is a PlaytoEarn gaming project based on BSC, which is designed as a novel mini-Dota game.

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