Niimfer World PvP Starting NOW!
Thank you for the wait! Please Enjoy the Niimfer World PvP Beta!! before we begin, please see the following instructions first.
~ Are you ready for the Niimfer World?!~
Step1. Download the Niimfer World PvP Beta APK
- PC:
- Android:
Step2. Please Download the Niimfer World PvP Beta APK unzip and run Niimfer-World.exe file , for Android users, please install NiimferWorld.apk(Be careful not to override the original Niimfer World Stake app*).
Step3. Once finished installation, login with the given test Account and Password (You should’ve already got them via Ticket (🎫|開票所ticket*
Step4. Please enjoy the game!
*If you have not yet received a PvP Beta Login/pass or have not opened a ticket or have not received your Niimfer Holder tag, please check HERE for further instructions.
- *For Android & PC users, be careful not to override the original Niimfer World Staking App, if you accidentally deleted the app, you can always download it back from Niimfer World’s official website.
- Do NOT share your PvP Beta login/pass, we the system detect 2 logins at the same time, the main system will then disable the trial account.
- The trial account is only valid till the end of PvP Beta phase2, and all play records will be erased for the public tests.
Additional Instructions:
- You will be matched to a random online player during the battle matching stage, ID appearance function will be added in the next patch.
- There will be 5 Niimfers randomly selected from designated Niimfers.
- To see the status of the Niimfer or Card skills, please long press the Niimfer or Card.
- Double click on the card to play in the Android system
- If you DO experience any difficulties in the game, please fill in This Form to help us improve it in the Public test section, thank you!
System Requirements:
Supported platforms: Android、Windows
■Android 8, 64bits or above
■Memory 2 GB or above
■OS: Windows® 10 64-bit
■Processor: 1.5GHZ +
■Memory: 2 GB or above
■DirectX: 11
■Storage: Minimum 5 GB
NOTICE: The PvP Beta version is a Beta Version, and does not represent the final game itself in content, graphics, and numerical way, and will be adjusted & fine-tuned in the Public test / launched version.
End of Doc