(ENDED/已結束) 🧧Spring Couples Contest!!🧧(「寧芙對對對穿腸對聯」活動)
A new CNY Event is coming! & This time we are going to need your imagination!! get ready for the…
Spring Couples Contest!!🔥🔥🔥
📌Rules📌Use your creativity to write down the best/funniest Couples!
1. Download the blank couple 👉 https://reurl.cc/LpWrbK
2. Fill in sentences in the couples to make it look meaningful/funny (Examples 👉 https://reurl.cc/02v8bx)
🔸If you are writing in English, you need to contain “Niimfer” & “World” 2 words in it
🔸The order of “Niimfer” & “World” in the couple does not matter
🔸Max total word phrase: 18 words
3. upload your couple to Niimfer World Discord的 | 🧧|couplets對聯 channel
4. Vote yourself by adding an 🎉 emoji
📌Event Time📌
🔸Start from Now till 5 Feb 08:00(UTC)
🔸Niimfer World Team will announce the winner during the Niimfer Café live stream on 5 Feb at 09:00(UTC) on Discord!
📌Winner Prize📌
🔸By counting the most 🎉 emoji received
🧧Most # of 🎉 in Chinese Couples: will win 50USDT, 2nd will win 40USDT
🧧Most # of 🎉 in English Couples: will win 50USDT, 2nd will win 40USDT
🧧and we will raffle one 20USDT winner from each winner’s 🎉 … so get in-votes!!!🔥
🔸DO NOT USE profanity or obscene words, you will be deemed to have abstained and the article will be deleted.
🔸The official counting emoji is 🎉 tada (other emojis will not be counted)
🔸If the highest number of votes is the same, a raffle selection will be made.
🔸Prohibit theft of other people’s creations
🔸Each person can submit only one work
🔸Do not flood the message board
🎉Niimfer World Wish you a very Tiger-Brave New Year!🎉
The final interpretation right of this event is reserved by Niimfer World.
1. 請由此下載春聯底圖👉https://reurl.cc/X4GMe3
2. 在下載的紅色春聯處發揮創意對聯(範例👉https://reurl.cc/02v8bx)
3. 將完成的作品上傳到 Niimfer World Discord的 | 🧧|couplets對聯 頻道
4. 投票則新增🎉反應記得自己加上拉炮給自己加一票
🔸即日起至 2022/2/5 16:00(UTC+8) 將進行截圖計算
📣Niimfer World Team 將於2022/2/5 17:00(UTC+8)於Niimfer World Discord【Niimfer Café】直播現場公布中文及英文分別最多拉炮的兩張對聯,也會現場抽有投前一二名的投票者喔!
🔸中文第一名 獲50USDT, 第二名 獲40USDT,
🔸英文第一名 獲 50USDT, 第二名 獲40USDT,
🔸正式投票只能使用🎉 (tada), 非tada標誌不計入票卷
🔸禁制洗版 Niimfer World讓大家過好年~爽領開工紅包喔!🧧🧧🧧
End of Doc