如何開始Niimfer World的質押模式? / How to Start Staking in Niimfer World?

Niimfer World
3 min readMar 30, 2022


English Version See Below

Niimfer World質押資格?

1. 持有最少超過1,000顆 NIMF Tokens (Option1)
2. 持有超過3隻以上的Niimfer NFT(Option 2~4)


開始:3/30 15:00 (UTC+8)|結束:4/24 18:00 (UTC+8)

種子輪Private Sale 1申購&質押時間
開始 : 4/11 15:00 (UTC+8)|結束 : 4/24 18:00 (UTC+8)

Niimfer World質押獎勵?



1. 進入Niimfer World官方網站,並點選 “質押模式”
2. 選取“質押區間”選擇您所想要質押的方案。
3. 選取“質押寧芙”並依序選擇3隻希望質押的寧芙NFT,將其加入質押模式(您可以後續進行寧芙的替換*)。
4. 選取“質押NIMF”輸入您目前擁有並希望質押的NIMF Token數量。
5. 確認以上步驟並確認質押的寧芙及NIMF Token 後即可按下“質押”。
6. 一但您確認點選“質押”系統將會開啟您已連上的Metamask錢包(小狐狸) 並顯示質押內容,同時請您確認進行質押(還請注意質押動作將產生瓦斯費)當您確認內容無誤後,請點在Metamask錢包(小狐狸)內選“Confirm” 來完成質押。
7. 當您確認後,畫面則會跳出質押中的視窗(請耐心稍等),讀取後點選”關閉”即完成質押。
8. 如需確認已質押的隊伍,請向下滑動查看“我的質押組合”即可。


1. 您可點選“領取報酬”領取質押中所產的利息報酬
2. 該報酬會直接進入您的Metamask錢包(小狐狸)裡,點選“確認”進行領取
※請注意,領取的獎勵為原質押NIMF Token所產生的利息獎勵,非原質押NIMF Token本身數量,購買的NIMF Token仍會依照白皮書上的鎖倉時間依照時間依序解倉。詳情請查看白皮書


1. 於“我的質押組合”區選擇 “更換寧芙”。
2. 點選“選擇寧芙”來進行更換
3. 當您選擇完成時,請點選 “確認”,系統則會連上您的Metamask錢包(小狐狸),並確認您是否更換質押寧芙
4. 點選“確認”後,畫面將會於短時間更新,並於“我的質押組合”顯示更新後的質押寧芙。



1. 進到官網並連結Metamask錢包(小狐狸)。
2. 右上方點選「帳號設定」 。
3. 跳出「錢包簽署」訊息,確認為本人的錢包,點選確定。
4. 連結Metamask錢包(小狐狸),點選登入。
5. 設定帳號密碼,並再次確認密碼(8位英數字 區分大小寫 可以用符號)。
6. 按儲存即可完成遊戲帳號申請。
7. 如需更改密碼,可回到官網,重新設定。


Eligibility of Staking?

1. Owned over 1,000 NIMF Tokens (Option1)
2. Owned 3 or more Niimfer NFTs (Option 2~4)

When To Stake?

Founding Community & Angel Round:
Begin: 30 MAR 07:00(UTC) |End: 24 APR 10:00(UTC)

Private Sale 1 Purchase & Stake:
Begin: 11 APR 07:00(UTC) |End: 24 APR 10:00(UTC)

Staking Rewards?

Staking Steps

Please Check This Video.

1. Enter “Staking” Tab from the official Niimfer World Website
2. Click on “Duration” to select your Options
3. Click on “Stake Niimfer” to choose 3 of your Niimfer to put into the Stake Mode(You can change Niimfer later on*)
4. Click on “Stake NIMF” to enter the amount of NIMF Tokens you owned in your preference to Stake
5. Once you completed the above steps and make sure the amount and Niimfer are correct, click “Stake” to proceed.
6. Once you click “Stake” your connected Metamask will pop-up, and ask you to confirm the staking(Please be aware of the gas fee), once everything is all set, then click “Confirm” to complete the process.
7. A Staking window will pop-up saying: Staking…(give it a little bit of time), and click “Close” once it’s completed.
8. Scroll down the page, then you will see all the details in My Staking Group section.

Claiming Rewards

1. You can click on “CLAIM” when you generated rewards
2. The rewards will go straight to your wallet, and click “Confirm” if you want to proceed.
※ Please be aware that gas WILL be charged every time you claim rewards, so we suggest you claim it at once or strategically to avoid the gas fee consumed.
※ Notice that claiming are ONLY for staking rewards, the remaining NIMF Tokens will still have to go through the vesting/lock. (Check Whitepaper for more details)
※ You WIL receive NIMF APR rewards even if you do not participate in the Idle Mode(but then will not be able to receive CP rewards from the Idle Mode)

*Swapping Niimfer NFTs

1. Click on “Change Niimfer” on the selected staking set in My Staking Group section.
2. Click on “Select Niimfers” and choose the new set of Niimfers you would like to stake. (※ You need to maintain a minimum of 3 Niimfers to stake)
3. Once you click on “OK”, it will turn on your Metamask. (※Please be aware that gas WILL be charged every time you swap Niimfer NFT stake groups)
4. End with clicking “Confirm” on your Metamask (give it a little bit of time) once the Niimfer were changed afterward, then the swapping is completed.

Game account registration steps

Please Check This Video.

1. Visit the official Niimfer World website.
2. Click on “Account Settings”
3. Connect your Metamask wallet
4. Put in your Account Name, and password(contains at least 8 letters/numbers, capital or lower, a special character is allowed)
6. Click “Save” to confirm.
7. You can change your password, via the wallet icon on top of the website.

If you have encountered any questions, please contact us or use the form below to fill out your question and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

End of Doc



Niimfer World
Niimfer World

Written by Niimfer World

Niimfer World is a PlaytoEarn gaming project based on BSC, which is designed as a novel mini-Dota game.

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