如何開始Niimfer World的放置模式? / How to Start Idle Mode in Niimfer World?

Niimfer World
5 min readMar 30, 2022


English Version See Below

提醒說明:Niimfer World質押模式是以質押+放置的雙獲利模式進行遊玩。

  1. 質押模式:於Niimfer World 官網點選「質押模式」後將NIMF Token及/或Niimfer NFT置入,以獲得NIMF Tokens(NIMF),詳細內容情參考 如何開始Niimfer World的質押模式。
  2. 放置模式:完成「質押模式」後,質押的Niimfer NFT即可置入於遊戲中以自動或手動進行放置探索,獲取獎勵 Crystal Powder(CP)或甚至有機會獲得特殊獎勵物(額外CP收益)。






1. 進到官網並連結Metamask錢包(小狐狸)。
2. 右上方點選「帳號設定」 。
3. 跳出「錢包簽署」訊息,確認為本人的錢包,點選確定。
4. 連結Metamask錢包(小狐狸),點選登入。
5. 設定帳號密碼,並再次確認密碼(8位英數字 區分大小寫 可以用符號)。
6. 按儲存即可完成遊戲帳號申請。
7. 如需更改密碼,可回到官網,重新設定。



🔷如上圖點選「TAP TO START」並輸入遊戲帳號密碼。


🔷如下圖點選「HOUSE」進入Niimfer 小屋進行探險準備。


🔷如下圖,您需點選3隻已於「質押模式」的Niimfer 才能出發探險(請注意!此處的Niimfer是您已在官網的「質押模式」中已質押的Niimfer,才會顯示於此)。


🔷如下圖,玩家可控制Niimfer 上下移動蒐集漂浮中的獎勵物。

派出Niimfer 小隊去蒐集獎勵物!
蒐集到的獎勵物獎會轉成Crystal Powder(CP)!

🔷如下圖,探索中,右下角的按鈕可切換探索模式【AUTO (漫步) / MANUAL (操控)】。


🔷如下圖,遊戲時間到將會結算蒐集到的獎勵物,並兌換成Crystal Powder(CP)儲存至您的遊戲帳戶中。
🔷Crystal Powder(CP)將於PVP模式上線後,為主要購買道具的流通貨幣。

探險結束後,將獲得Crystal Powder(CP)獎勵!


  • 每日收益換日時間:00:00 (UTC+0)。
  • 每日放置探險次數不限,但當每日收益上限已滿時,下一場的放置探險就沒辦法再獲取獎勵與CP。
  • 放置探險收益=「每場探險最少都會有的CP(基本收益)」+「Niimfer收集到的獎勵物(額外CP收益)」。
  • 放置探險時多撿獎勵物可以縮短到達每日上限的時間。
  • 遊戲收益將按單一帳號總質押Niimfer 數量與NIMF 數量來計算。
    假設質押A小隊 3 個月 + B小隊6個月,質押3個月後A小隊解鎖質押,而B小隊的後3個月將會用該組的NIMF 跟 Niimfer數來去計算遊戲收益 !
  • 每場遊戲時間約:5分鐘。
  • 遊戲中可設置AUTO (漫步) / MANUAL (操控)。

質押模式將影響放置模式的收益狀態 —

📍質押NIMF Token

  • 質押NIMF數與每日收益上限、每場收益、每個獎勵物收益有關。
  • 質押NIMF數量越多,收益上限也會隨之提高。


  • 質押 Niimfers 數量跟收益速度有關。
  • 質押的 Niimfers 數量越多,會增加Niimfer的背包空間大小,在外出探索時可以帶回更多獎勵物,也就是更快達到每日收益上限





  • 支援平台: Android、Windows

『Android 裝置』
■系統Android 8 以上 64 位元
■內存2 GB以上

『Windows 裝置』
■64 位元的處理器及作業系統
■作業系統: Windows® 10 64-bit
■處理器: 1.5GHZ +
■記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體以上
■DirectX: 版本:11
■儲存空間: 5 GB 可用空間


How To Start Idle Mode

🔷 Niimfer World Game -Idle Ver.

Download: https://niimferworld.com/download

REMEMBER! You NEED to complete the Stake Mode, in order to start Idle Mode!

If you encountered installation failure, could be one of the security issues for Windows settings, please follow the step as picture shown below to solve it. Or if you do have any other issues, please contact us via Email or Form shown below.

🔷Game Account Registration Steps

Please Check This Video.

1. Visit the official Niimfer World website.
2. Click on “Account Settings”
3. Connect your Metamask wallet
4. Put in your Account Name, and password(contains at least 8 letters/numbers, capital or lower, a special character is allowed)
6. Click “Save” to confirm.
7. You can change your password, via the wallet icon on top of the website.

How to play Idle mode

Login page

🔷Click on “TAP TO START” to log in.

Enter your passcode

🔷Click on “HOUSE” to select Niimfers, before the exploration.

The Idle mode is open now!

🔷 Choose 3 of your Niimfer to begin the exploration.(Please note that Niimfers that appear here are the ones you put into the Stake Mode.)

Assemble your team and get ready for the adventure!

🔷 You can then enter the Idle mode, and control Niimfers to get rewards floating in the air.

Send Niimfers to collect rewards!

🔷 You can choose to control Niimfers Manually or leave it on Auto-Pilot by switching the bottom right button.

Click the button on the right corner to switch modes

🔷All the collectives(including hidden collectives) will be settled when time’s up, and turn into an equivalent value of Crystal Powder(CP)and stored in your game.
🔷Crystal Powder(CP) will be one of the currencies for purchasing items in the game when PVP/PVE are launched.

Receive Crystal Powder rewards at the end of each exploration!

Idle Mode Mechanism

  • Daily rewards renewal time: 00:00 (UTC+0)
  • No limit on the number of expeditions per day, but when Daily Exploration Limit is full, no more Crystal Powder rewards will be available for the next exploration.
  • The total reward for Idle Mode = “Minimum Crystal Powder Rewards(each round)” + “Hidden Collectives (will turn into additional Crystal Powder rewards when settled)”
  • The more Hidden Collectives you get, the quicker you complete the daily exploration limit.
  • The rewards will be calculated based on the total value of Niimfer & NIMF stake for a single account.
    For example, team A is stake for 3 months and 6 months for team B. After 3 months of staking, team A will unlock and finished the staking, and so team B will still have 3 months remaining.
  • ETA for each idle exploration: approx. 5 mins
  • You can choose to control Niimfers Manually or leave it to the AI by switching the bottom right button.
    AUTO Mode: Send Niimfer on auto-pilot mode and receive random items!
    MANUAL Mode: Allow you to control Niimfers and discover more items!

Stake Mode will affect the reward status—

📍Stake NIMF Token

  • The value of NIMF Token in Stake Mode will affect Daily Exploration Limit, Minimum CP Rewards, and Hidden Collectives(which will turn into CP when settled).
  • The more NIMF Tokens in Stake Mode, the higher the rewards.

📍Stake Niimfer NFT

  • The number of Niimfer NFT sets in Stake Mode will affect the speed of reward generated.
  • The more Niimfer NFT sets you Stake, the more reward spaces you will have, and the faster you can reach your Daily Exploration Limit while out exploring!

※NOTICE: Niimfer with the same elements in the same exploration set WILL NOT generate additional rewards

How to Start Stake Mode

Please Check Here

System Requirements

■Android 8 (or above), 64-bit
■Storage 2 GB or greater

■CPU: 64-bit Processor / OS
■OS: Windows® 10 64-bit
■Processor: 1.5GHZ +
■Memory: 2 GB or greater
■DirectX: Ver.11 required
■Hard Drive: 5 GB

If you have encountered any questions, please contact us or use the form below to fill out your question and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

End of Doc



Niimfer World
Niimfer World

Written by Niimfer World

Niimfer World is a PlaytoEarn gaming project based on BSC, which is designed as a novel mini-Dota game.

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